Valerie Trebeljahr started Lali Puna in the late 90s. The line-up was soon completed by Markus Acher, Christoph Brandner and Florian Zimmer. After some changes the group today consists of Trebeljahr (vocals, keyboard, computer), Christan Heiss (keyboard, computer) and Brandner (drums). Lali Puna released their debut LP in 1999. The reduced but yet electronic-pop-style gained first attention for the band. »Scary World Theory« was the programmatic title of the second LP released in 2001, slowly introducing Trebeljahrs growing interest in combining pop and politics. Guitars moved the sound away from the electronic simplicity of the early days. 2004 saw the release of »Faking The Books«, »a maverick display of pop sensibilities applied to a world gone wrong,« as Shlom Sviri wrote. »Two Windows«, Lali Punas fifth studio album, marked a new beginning for the band, as Trebeljahr remembered her beginnings with a four-track-recorder, writing songs just for herself.